
Hello everyone! Have you ever felt stuck, like you're going fast here now? You may try to reach a big goal, but it feels impossible. Well, guess what? I've been there too! Today, I want to share some ideas to help us all get unstuck and move forward.                                                                                                                                                                                         
My name is Muhammad Saheem Faisal, and some of you might know me as a motivational speaker. But before that, I faced many challenges. There were times I doubted myself and what I could achieve. But I learned some things that helped me overcome those hurdles.

Today, I'm here to tell you that no matter what you're going through, you have the power to achieve great things. We all have that fire inside us, waiting to be lit.                                                                                                    
When I was younger, I dreamed of starting my own business. But I was also scared. What if I failed? What would people think? Those fears held me back for a while. But then, I realized something important. Everyone faces fear. The difference is what we do with it.

The trick is not to eliminate fear eventually (that might be impossible!) but to learn how to be its boss. So, how do we turn fear from a monster into a little squeak? Here are three super easy things to remember:

1. Believe You Can Fly!

This isn't about acting. Everything is perfect when it's not. It's about knowing deep down that you're fantastic and can do amazing things! Think about all the cool stuff you've already achieved, like riding a bike for the first time or taking that spelling test. Those are your strengths!

Here's how to make your "believe" strength even more powerful:

Make a "You Got This!" List: Write down all your skills. This is your award case, reminding you of how awesome you are!

Find Your Cheerleaders: Surround yourself with people who believe in you and make you feel brave. They'll be your biggest fans, cheering you on every step of the way.

Talk to Yourself Like You Talk to Your Best Friend: Would you tell your best friend they can not do something? Nope! So, be kind to yourself and tell yourself you can achieve anything you want!

2. Baby Steps, Big Wins!

Big dreams can feel like trying to gobble down an oversized birthday cake all by yourself. it's way too much, and you might get a tummy ache! The key is to break that big cake into yummy slices you can easily enjoy.

Consider it like this:

you want to be an excellent veterinarian who heals furry (and maybe not-so-furry) friends. That's a fantastic dream! But where do you start? Instead of learning everything about every creature, why not take it one yummy bite at a time?

Here are some easy steps to turn your vet dream into bite-sized pieces:

Set SMART Goals:

Make your goals Specific (what exactly do you want to achieve?), Measurable (how will you know you're getting closer?), Achievable (can you do it with a little effort?), Relevant (does it fit with your bigger dream?), and Time-Bound (when do you want to achieve it?).
Celebrate Every Step! Reaching a tiny goal is still a win! Did you finish reading a book about dogs? High five! Did you learn how to put on a bandage? Awesome! These little celebrations keep you motivated and excited.

Reward Yourself:

Have you finished writing a page of your ideal story? Treat yourself to a yummy snack or a fun activity! Rewards make reaching goals even more fun.

3. Get Back Up When You Struggle!

Sometimes, even superheroes trip and fall. That's okay! The important thing is to get back up, dust yourself off, and keep going. Setbacks are just little bumps on the road to your dream, not the journey's end.

Here's how to be a super-resilient superhero:

Learn from Your Mistakes:

Did you burn your first batch of cookies? No problem! Figure out what went wrong and try again. Every mistake is a chance to learn and get better.
Find Your Support Squad: Having friends and family who believe in you is essential. They can help you pick yourself up when you fall and cheer you on when you succeed.

Thankful everydays:

Take a moment each day to think about all the good things in your life, even the small stuff. Being grateful helps you stay positive, even when things get tough.

By believing in yourself, taking small steps, and bouncing back from setbacks, you can turn that fear monster into a tiny squeak and reach for your dreams! Remember, you are braver than you think, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you know! Now, go out there and be the amazing YOU that you are!


So, what are you waiting for? You have the power to make your dreams a reality. Believe in yourself, take action, and never give up. Who here is ready to start achieving their goals? So, the journey might only sometimes be smooth sailing, but with the right tools, you can navigate any storm. Remember, you have the potential for great things. Believe in yourself, take those small but crucial steps, and learn from your setbacks. Let's turn those fears into stories and release the fire within! Together, we can reach our goals and create a future filled with purpose and passion. Remember, the journey begins with a single step. So take that step today, and keep moving forward. Thank you!

